- Technologies we work with -

Languages and Frameworks
Currently we mainly use .NET and Node.js as platforms and embrace W3C standards.

We are also experimenting with WebAssembly, which in our opinion has a chance to change how we think about crafting application modules.

User Interface
Our main target for the user interface is the browser with support for modern web-standards to create Progressive Web Applications.

For Native Apps we're experimenting with Ionic Framework, which is based around web technologies.

Development Lifecycle, CI, Hosting

For our deployments we use either plain VMs with Docker / Swarm-Clustering or simple, fully integrated Edge-Services like Cloudflare Pages with complementary services like Workers and KV-store.


We work with client side/embedded storage systems like IndexedDB and SQLite.

For structured data on server-side storage we use traditional SQL databases like PostgreSQL and SQL Server.

For unstructured and mass-data on the server we use Elastic.

Public Blockchains

Please check out our blog - unsDAPPable - dedicated to decentralized networks.